Dreams of Feather Beds

The sound of the wolves can still be heard in the rear distance. Their cries are like the tortured howls of the damned. All night they moved in and out, a constant irritation that chased away the warm embrace of restive sleep. If only those horrid beast would actually get close enough for an arrow, or better yet, a blade. The evidence of their work on that poor bastard with the large straw hat a few hours past has been enough to convince you to press on. Oh well, it’s not the first time you’ve gone without sleep. There should be a little town up ahead where you can rest up in peace, no longer a lone target for a pack of hungry beasts.

A string of exhausted fantasies, mostly centered around feather beds, play through your imagination as you continue to trudge along. Suddenly, the tell-tell sound of creatures in the brush ahead snaps your out of your reverie and into full alert. You extend your senses and slow down your pace to move cautiously ahead.

Surprisingly, instead of growls, you hear the sound of sharp whispering instead.

“Get ready lad, I can hear them mov’en out there again.”

Confused, but alert and ready, you slowly approach the sound of the voice to discover an elder human man partnered with another sentry, an young man of strapping size. Both look disheveled, exhausted, and are covered in an assortment of grime.

“Thank the gods, reinforcements have finally arrived…wait, where’s the rest of you? We needed at least an entire company of soldiers.”

Obviously confused by this unexpected sight you reply, “What are you talking about, reinforcements? What’s going on here? Is it the wolves you’re struggling with?”

With a derisive snort the old man replies, “If it was only wolves, we’d have it made.”

His voice takes on a worried whine as he continues, “Oh heavens above, I can see dawn breaking, walk with us back to town and I’ll tell you our tale. Doesn’t look like our help is going to arrive and you sure don’t want to be caught our here on your own once the sun comes up. That’s when THEY really get active.”

As you walk along with the two sentries, they tell you their tale:

A little over a week ago, there was a small earthquake and then a mysterious orange glow was sighted just outside the edge of town. Everyone knows that glowing lights at night are not something to treat lightly. However, a good number of the towns folk decided to go a take a peek anyway. At the top of the ridge to the west of town, a ravine opened up between the marker stones. It was fairly narrow and about thirty paces long;  wide enough for a man to use either side to climb down if he was crazy enough to explore a mysterious crack radiating orange light.

Even though the glow could be seen every night, after a few days, interest in the phenomenon waned. Parents warned the children to stay away, but all knew the curious would go look anyway. Life has a way of ensuring priorities stay prioritized. Chores don’t go away just because weird lights show up. A week passed before the strange occurrences started. At first, it was small things. A few dead chickens. A favorite milk cow taking sick. The local tavern experienced an increase in rats.

It was but a few days ago that things turned for the worse. At first, a swarm of bats began to attack the town each night, biting on  animals or humans indiscriminately. Then came the wolves, howling all night, chasing and killing the livestock, harrying the townsfolk. Finally … (the old man chokes up) … our people started to become monstrosities. Even my own poor sweet Nelly. She was bitten by the Thatcher boy. Afterwards, she got this look and started trying to bite me too. I retreated outside, trying to talk sense into her and found many of my neighbors doing the same. Those of us with some sense, retreated to the ruins around the well. Eventually, we had to … had to … dispatch our own family and friends to keep them back. Every morning since, once the sun warms them up, they attack us again.

Old Henrid, his straw hat pressed firmly to his head, took off to try and fetch us some help. We’re all injured in some way and most of us need help even moving a few feet now. Cain and I here are probably the best off, and as you can clearly see, I’m old beyond my years and he’s got that horrible limp. We were elected to wait and show our rescuers the way back when you showed up.

“Quickly now, the suns almost up and they’ll be stirring again. We have to get inside the circle. There is some measure of defense there. Maybe we can make it another night…”

The sound of a load moan is heard off to your left. You see the gray-green corpse begin to stir. Its head suddenly snaps up and stares in your direction with its solid, milky-white eyes. The smell of fresh urine assaults your nose as you notice the young man has freshly wet himself. A smattering of folk quickly usher you in behind the barrier. More moans, rattling, and growls begin to fill the air.

Looks like you won’t be getting that nap after all.

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