Comments on: North Carolina Repeals Drone Knowledge Test and Permit Requirement Stay up to date on all the latest Drone News Wed, 16 Oct 2024 15:29:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Wed, 16 Oct 2024 15:29:11 +0000 NC should require the standard TRUST and FAA registration for all drones

By: Bella Kaufman Mon, 01 Jul 2024 18:32:06 +0000 In reply to Bella Kaufman.

Drones should be outlawed unless they are flown by a registered agent as pilot and the areas of overflights.

By: Bella Kaufman Mon, 01 Jul 2024 18:22:30 +0000 What a cave in north Carolina.
There are hundreds of people unlicensed in my area alone.
Who are using drones to spy on women in their bathing suits who have swimming pools in their backyard.
That’s the recreation center of North Carolina and the unlicensed idiots who you have turned loose and kids to cause trouble with their neighbors and the sheriff office has no regulations to rein in the abuse.
This incredible Histerical incompetentence of misstep will lead murder and family respectfully
Gun violence to mitigation.
Our legislation is a masterpiece of professional proflic bribery and false flag yo yo brains.
Cry about gun violence and the children who are predicate devil’s advocate to harrass over flights to the neighbors house and property and pretty wives and the deer hunting stands being used for mobile crystal meth labs and the abilities of the drug dealers to see the police patrol.
What a shame to have no regulations.
Enclosed Hunting stands should be outlawed.
Mexican cartels are going on in the middle of the night cooking meth.
Motorcycle gangs are cooking meth in hunt stands supposed to be for deer hunting.
But they are used in the middle of the night for cooking crystal meth.
Drones fly unnoticed to surveillance on the crew cooking up meth labs so they can warn by a phone call look out here comes a sheriff car.

What idiots do we have in the legislation building huh? What kind of ferocious input from the sheriff’s office….in WAYNE COUNTY NC ITS THE FORMER HEAD OF NARCOTICS DIVISION FORMER DEPUTY SARGENT MIKE COX DISTRIBUTION HERE METHAMPHETAMINE NARCOTICS,PILLS, HEROIN
